THOR: love and THUNDER & THE impending FMV DEFLATION

Thor: love and Thunder has arrived, and that should signal the beginning of the end for those inflated FMVs. As the hype reaches its peak, where does that leave the most popular Thor 4 keys? WARNING: SPOILERS.

Buyers, it’s time to exhibit patience. The marvel movie cycle is in full effect, and the next couple of weeks will be crucial before prices start to decline. We see it with virtually every MCU project, be it on the silver screen or Disney+. The build to the premiere has the hype train at full speed. As the new wears off, collectors move on to the next big thing. Within about a month, those values see a steep decline.

With that in mind, let’s see the current fair market values for three of the most popular love and Thunder keys as audiences feast their eyes on Thor’s latest adventure.

THOR #1 (2014)

Heading into Thor 4’s opening weekend, this issue had set the market on fire. While the Goddess of Thunder doesn’t appear until the end of the issue, Jane Foster’s Thor is emblazoned on the cover, and that is good enough for most collectors and investors. 

Since Kevin Feige first announced her for love and Thunder, this issue has been red hot. The past 90 days have seen the graded 9.8 sell for as much as $695, and it has averaged $280 in that span. For the past month, the FMV has stood at $235.70. On the eve of the movie premiere, it brought $195.

Yes, there will be a drop in prices in the near future, but they could get a lift when next we see Jane Foster. As predicted in “Will a major character die in Thor 4?,” Jane made her trip to Valhalla. However, I expect we will see her again, most likely as a resurrected Valkyrie or possibly in her Goddess of Thunder guise one more time.

WHAT IF…? #10

Although Thor #1 may be the hotter comic at the moment, What If…? #10 had been the top choice for collectors during much of the movie hype. This issue marked the first time Jane Foster lifted Mjolnir. despite this being a non-canonical story from an alternate reality, many were calling this the first appearance of the Goddess of Thunder. Actually, it was the debut of Thordis, a character that hasn’t been seen since. Regardless, collectors and investors chose this as their love and Thunder comic of choice, and it resulted in record sales.

For the past three months, the 9.8 has averaged almost $1,600. Leading to the movie premiere, a 9.4 sold for $225. It had been earning $320 on average, so the fall may have already started, at least at this grade.


Villains don’t tend to last long in marvel movies, and that limits the values for those evil first appearances. While most fans didn’t expect to see more Gorr after love and Thunder, there was plenty of excitement for the God Butcher heading into the film. With his daughter surviving being adopted by Thor, we may see him again in a flashback, but that won’t be enough to hold the inflated values for Thor: got #2. 

Like the other comics on today’s list, that produced some eye-popping sales figures. In the past year, the 9.8 has teetered on the brink of $2k, though most copies sold in the $400-$500 range. earlier this week, two sold for over $300 apiece. Meanwhile, the 9.6 was still selling for $200 as of July 7, which is in line with its recent sales history. 


The post-credits scene, as they always do, leads us to believe that a Thor-Hercules showdown is imminent. Of course, being that Zeus has been advertised for the film for the past year, collectors saw this coming miles away. The suggestion is that Herc will be a villain, but there’s no way marvel doesn’t make him a hero. I imagine we’ll see the prince of Power in She-Hulk: attorney at Law, and that should be his official introduction before he and Thor square off.

What more Thor: love and Thunder coverage?

MARKET reaction – THOR: love and THUNDER TRAILER 2



*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.

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