Media release — now SHIPPING! In change Ego #154 (100 color pages, $9.95), Allen Bellman, artist in the original early-1940s Timely/Marvel bullpen, tells Dr. Michael J. Vassallo whatever he didn’t discuss in their 2004 interview, with art by Shores, Burgos, Brodsky, Sekowsky, Everett, Pfeufer, Klein, Burlockoff, Jaffee, Fago, et al. Plus, a spotlight on Marvel’s trio of early-’70s heroine comics, featuring talks with Linda Fite as well as Paty Cockrum (The Cat), Carole Seuling (Shanna the She-Devil), as well as Roy Thomas (Night Nurse)—with art by Severin, Fradon, Andru, as well as Mortimer! And, of course, FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America), Mr. Monster satisfies Dan Adkins (Part 2), as well as expense Schelly! Cover by Bellman as well as Dan Davis. Edited by Roy Thomas.
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